Idaho District 1 Speech Tournament

2019 — Coeur d'Alene, ID/US

Serious Interpretation

Abbreviation SI
Format Speech
Entry Fee $7.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

TIME: 10 minutes MAX; time signals not provided

Scripts with highlighted cuttings should be presented at registration. Include title, names of students, and school name.

A serious or humorous program using material from one or more pieces of prose, poetry, or drama. Selections must be memorized. Materials must be from a printed or published source with an ISBN number. An original source without an ISBN number may be used provided it is published and available at the tournament or included in the NFL interpretation source. Recordings or videos may not be used as the source. Props, makeup, and costumes are not permitted. The contestants should be evaluated on poise, quality and use of voice, physical expression and especially the ability to interpret characters correctly and consistently. This allows full body movement (bending, kneeling, turning). Presentations must be an original interpretation including characterizations, blocking and an original introduction. Introductions must include the name of the pieces(s) and the author(s).