The Coyote Howl

2020 — Caldwell, ID/US

Junior National Parliamentary Debate

Abbreviation JNPDA
Format Debate
Entry Fee $70.00
Entry 2 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Preparation Time/Rooms: Prep rooms will be provided and pre-assigned by the tournament. Teams will receive 20 minutes of preparation time after the centralized announcement of each topic. Flex Time: The tournament will, per NPDA guidelines, feature two minutes of flex time after the PMC and LOC, as well as one minute of flex time after the MGC, and LOR. This time may be used for prep, CX, drinking water, etc.

Judge Strikes: An appropriate number of judge strikes will be available. Judge strikes need to be submitted by Thursday, January 30th at 6:00PM MST in order to be guaranteed for the first two rounds of competition. WE WILL USE ONLINE BALLOTING!

Forfeiture Rule: Any team that is late to a round will have that time deducted from their team’s first speech (the PMC or LOC). When the full speech time has elapsed (7 or 8 minutes), the team in question will be forfeited. In the event both teams are late, both teams will have time deducted from their first speech. Time deductions and forfeiture rules will be enforced by the judge assigned to the round.

Judge Disclosure & Feedback: Disclosure of decisions and other oral commentary may be conducted at the discretion of the judge, but please conduct such commentary after the ballot has been submitted online. We will be attempting to power-match every round without lagging, so a prompt return ensures that the tournament stays on time. A warm room of results will be provided.