
2020 — NSDA Campus, OR/US

Open Duo Interpretation

Abbreviation ODUO
Format Speech
Entry Fee $5.00
Entry 2 competitors per entry

Event Description:

No Oral Critiques.

Length. There is no minimum time limit; the contestants shall speak no more than 10 minutes including the introduction and reading with 30 seconds of grace allowed. Contestants who violate the time limit may receive a lower rank. If laughter delays the speakers, the timekeeper shall make allowance by stopping the watch at the beginning and starting it at the end of each interruption. Time signals may be given at the speaker’s request; however, presentation within the time length is ultimately the responsibility of the speaker. No contestant may be penalized if a stopwatch was not used for timing.

Introduction. Contestants shall appropriately introduce their readings. The introduction should be shared and memorized.

Presentation. The material shall be memorized. Physical objects, props or costumes are not allowed. Focus may be direct during the introduction. The performers may look at each other, but must be indirect, that is off stage, during the performance itself. Each of the performers may play one or more characters so long as performance responsibility in the cutting remains as balanced as possible. If the selection is prose or poetry and contains narration, either or both of the performers may present the narration.

Materials. Selections must be cuttings from a single work of literature; from one short story or one play, or one novel, or one or more poems.

Instructions to the Judges. The responsibility of the speakers is to entertain the audience with the material used. The speakers should suggest the characters, moods, and changes of situation largely through their voices. Characterizations should be confined to facial expressions, postures, and character placement. Limited movement is allowed. This is a contest for the interpretation of a play, a cutting from a play, narrative poetry or prose.