
2020 — NSDA Campus, OR/US

Open Poetry

Abbreviation POE
Format Speech
Entry Fee $5.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

No Oral Critiques.

Theme. Contestants are to choose poems, which are related to and organized around a central theme.

Example of Theme. A central or unifying theme may be a poet, statesman, philanthropist, an idea, a philosophy, nature, an element of nature, a community, trees, death, etc. For example, using the theme of love, cuttings may be taken from Robert Burns' "Mary Morrison", William Wordsworth's "She Was a Phantom of Delight", and Lord Byron's "When We Two Parted", or using the theme of nature's changing seasons; cuttings might be taken from Robert Bridges' "London Snow", Swinburne's "Autumn in Cornwall", and Robert Frost's "Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening". Humorous poetry may be used.

Poems. No fewer than three poems or cuttings from three poems are to be used, and at least three poems are to be not less than eight lines. Judges should check the manuscripts to enforce this rule.

Introductions. Each poem should be appropriately introduced in order to give setting (if necessary), to relate it to the central theme, and to establish the proper mood for the audience. Introductions should be memorized or delivered extemporaneously.

Length. There is no minimum time limit; contestants are allowed a speaking time of no more than eight minutes with 30 seconds of grace. This includes the introduction, poetry reading, and necessary transitions. Time signals may be given at the speaker’s request; however, presentation within the time length is ultimately the responsibility of the speaker. If laughter delays the speaker, the timekeeper shall make allowance by stopping the watch at the beginning and starting it at the end of each interruption. Contestants who violate the time limit may receive a lower rank. No contestant may be penalized if a stopwatch was not used for timing.

Presentation. Students must read from a manuscript or from the printed page. Continued practice during the time of preparation may result in memorization of some passages. The aim of the reader, however, should not be complete memorization. Rather frequent references must be made to the manuscript during presentation of the materials. While standing primarily in one place, contestants may use limited gestures and facial, verbal and vocal expression.

Materials - Sources. Contestants are urged to select material within their grasp, their ability to understand and to interpret, but materials, which are good literature. Anthologies of modern poetry, British or American, as well as high school literature books should prove helpful. Original work of the student is encouraged.