UHSAA State 3A Drama Festival

2022 — Richfield, UT/US


Abbreviation P
Format Speech
Entry Fee $0.00
Entry Limit Per School 4
Entry Teams of between 1 and 2 competitors

Event Description:

Pantomimes - The time limit for pantomimes is 2 to 6 minutes. A pantomime may have 1 or 2 participants. Each pantomime should develop a complete sequence or story. No properties shall be allowed. Music may be used. If music is used, it must be pre-recorded. No live music or accompanists will be allowed. Instrumental music only. No vocals (live or recorded) allowed. Performers who elect to use music must provide their own means of playing the recorded music. Each entry may have one person to run the music for them. With the exception of the exclamation “Oh” and “Ah”, all mouthing of words is prohibited. Although participants may dress for ease of movement, costumes are prohibited. All pantomime performers should be dressed in all black. Mime makeup is not allowed. No furniture other than one chair, stool or block per participant may be used. Only the pantomime title should be spoken, no other verbal introductions will be allowed. Students are allowed to touch each other in pantomime.