Milwaukee City Conference

2014 — WI/US

Moments in History

Abbreviation Hist
Format Speech
Entry Fee $0.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

The challenge to the speaker is to select and explore an historical topic within the limits presented each year.Students may consider (but are not limited to) using the following areas of research: archival records, diaries, personal interviews, letters, newspapers, etc. The speaker is to use this research information to compose and present a well-organized, informative speech. This is an original informative speech category, and not an acting category.

2010 topic: The Decade of the 1980�s
Students may select a topic that focuses on any region of the world during the time period. Possibleareas of consideration may include, but are not limited to: historic sites/monuments, natural disasters,inventions, medicine, arts and entertainment, education, military activity, ethnology/legends/folklore,geography, politics, fashion and fads, transportation, sports, religion, heroes, villains, and personalities.