Milwaukee City Conference

2014 — WI/US

Special Occasion Speaking

Abbreviation SOS
Format Speech
Entry Fee $0.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

The challenge to the speaker is to make an appropriate presentation that responds to the constraints of theoccasion, including the probable audience. In considering the "appropriateness" of the speaker's workattention will be paid to the purpose the speaker chooses, the position taken, the content, organization andgeneral stylistic tone, and the manner of delivery. It is possible that a speech may pursue more than one ofthe standard general purposes of informing, persuading, and entertaining.

2010 Situations (NOTE: WHSFA topics can fit within these areas, even though the wording is slightly different).A. A EulogyB. A Public Statement: Present a public statement for a crisis, which may include but is not limited to anatural disaster, crime, illness, loss of home, etc.C. An Original Summation