Eye of the Tiger Invitational

2023 — Broomfield, CO/US


Abbreviation INFO
Format Speech
Entry Fee $10.00
Overall Entry Limit 24
Entry Limit Per School 4
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Informative Speaking Rules (3A/4A/5A Event):
A. The competitor presents a memorized informative speech composed by him/her/themself
and not used during a previous Regional Qualifying or State Tournament. A student may
not use the same speech or topic in Informative Speaking and Original Oratory.
B. An informative speech is an original speech designed to explain, define, describe, or
illustrate a particular subject. The general purpose of the speech is for the audience to gain
understanding and/or knowledge of a topic. Any other purpose such as to entertain or to
convince shall be secondary.
C. A competitor in Informative Speaking holding a manuscript may not be ranked higher than
fourth in the round.
D. The use of audio/visual aids is optional. Audio/visual aids may or may not be used to
supplement and reinforce the message. During the presentation, no electronic equipment is
permitted. Electronic equipment is anything that plugs in or runs on battery or solar power.
The use of live animals or any additional people as visual aids is not allowed during the
speech. Items of dress put on and removed during the course of the presentation are
considered costumes and may not be part of the contestant’s presentation. Visual aids may
not violate law (weapons, drugs, etc.) The host school is not responsible for providing any
facilities, equipment, or assistance in a contestant’s use of visual aids. Expedient setup and
take down of aids is expected. If a visual aid displays published pictorial material, the source
must be included in the work-cited page but does not need to be cited orally.
E. The speaker must be truthful. A fabricated topic may not be used. Any non-factual
reference, including a personal reference, must be so identified.
F. There is no minimum time, but the speaker may not exceed 10 minutes. After a 30-second
grace period and an audible STOP, the judge may not rank the speaker who goes over time
first in the round, provided all timing rules in 1J were followed.
G. For the State Tournament the speaker’s script must be sent to CHSAA with the team’s
registration. It must have an Oratory/Informative Speaking cover sheet (see Appendix)
attached to the front and filled out. The script must identify the quoted materials, state the
number of quoted words, include a works-cited page in APA or MLA format, and both the
speaker and the coach must attest by signature that the speech is the original work of the
contestant. The informative speech that is submitted with the registration is the one with
which the competitor must compete.
H. The informative speech may not contain more than 150 words of quoted material. Extensive
paraphrasing from other sources is prohibited.
I. If a speaker submits an informative speech with more than 150 quoted words, the meet
director will give the orator a chance to correct the error. Those who fail to do so by the
deadline given by the tournament director will not be allowed to compete.
J. Speakers caught plagiarizing or extensively paraphrasing will be disqualified.