Sterling Betsy Fest Forensics Invitational

2025 — Sterling, KS/US

Humorous Solo Acting/Humorous Interpretation

Abbreviation HI
Format Speech
Entry Fee $5.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Sec. 1. Humorous Solo Acting and Humorous Interpretation (HI) shall not be more than 10 minutes in length including an introduction. Introductions shall be the original work of the student. Any quotation of four or more words shall be considered plagiarism if the source is not identified. A student may participate and qualify in both Serious Solo Acting/Dramatic Interpretation (DI) and Humorous Solo Acting/Humorous Interpretation (HI). Contestants who qualify in Humorous Interpretation (HI) are eligible for Humorous Solo Acting at state speech championship and state speech and drama festival. Contestants who qualify in Humorous Solo Acting are eligible for Humorous Interpretation (HI) at state speech championship and state speech and drama festival. Sec. 2. Selections: Memorized selections are presented without the use of notes or costumes. Selections used in these contests shall be cuttings from published, printed novels, short stories, plays or poetry. Recorded material (videotape, DVDs, audio tape, CDs, phonograph recording or recorded audio or video material) is prohibited. Original material published in a high school publication such as a newspaper, literary magazine or yearbook is prohibited. Selections can include published play scripts, short stories, novels, poetry, monologues, and published television or movie scripts. During the presentation, the contestant must name the author and the book or magazine from which the cutting was made. Selections may not be the original work of the student or coach. Sec. 3. Source: A cutting must be a single work of literature: one short story or one play or one novel or one or more poems. In the event of a challenge at regional and state festivals or championships, the coach or sponsor must produce the original publication as well as a complete script of the cutting used. A complete script of the cutting would include: A. A photocopy of every page from which any line of the cutting is taken; pages are to be in the order in which they are performed. B. All words used from the script should be highlighted (any words/lines not used should be left unmarked). C. Any word changes (to eliminate profane language) and/or additions (for transition) must be clearly indicated in ink. Sec. 4. Focus: The contestant should use only actions motivated by the language/characterization of the selection. Adaptations may only be used for the purpose of transition. A female contestant may play a male role, and a male contestant may play a female role. A. In Humorous Interpretation (HI), use of focal points and/or direct contact with the audience should be determined by the requirements of the literature being interpreted. The gender stated by the author must be honored. B. In Humorous Solo Acting, the entire stage area may be used. Stage makeup, costumes or properties shall be prohibited with the exception of a chair. Sec. 5. Caution: It shall be the affirmative duty of each coach and each student entered in KSHSAA contests to determine absolutely that the cutting being performed meets KSHSAA rules. Sec. 6. Reuse: A student may not use a cutting from a work of literature the student used in any previous contest year.