Sterling Betsy Fest Forensics Invitational

2025 — Sterling, KS/US

Informative Speech

Abbreviation INFO
Format Speech
Entry Fee $5.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Info 7: Sec. 1. An informative speech is one which provides a learning experience for the listener by instructing or by giving information in an interesting manner. Sec. 2. Informative speeches shall be the work of the student. A. If a student qualifies for regional or state speech and drama festival or state speech championship and it is found he/she has been guilty of plagiarism, he/she shall be disqualified. Plagiarism shall be defined as a quotation of more than four words without giving the source. B. Students should be encouraged to use good informative format: Introduction (attention device, sign-posting/ preview of topics, etc.), Body and Conclusion. Sec. 3. Speeches shall not be more than seven (7) minutes in length. Sec. 4. Informative speeches shall be memorized and given without notes. Prompting shall not be allowed. Charts, displays, maps, graphs or any other materials which could be used for demonstration purposes are not permissible.