Silver Lake Debate Invitational

2024 — Silver Lake, KS/US

Open CX

Abbreviation Open
Format Debate
Entry Fee $6.00
Overall Entry Limit 50
Entry Limit Per School 3
Entry 2 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Tournament Regulations

1. Debate Topic - KSHSAA approved.

2. Tournament Style - The tournament will be open division only and each debate team will debate both sides of the topic in a cross-ex style using the 8-3-5 time limits. There will be a maximum of eight minutes of prep time during each round for each team. Wifi will be available and use will fall under KSHSAA guidelines.

3. Fees - Fees are $6.00 per team and in the event of cancellation, the fee must still be paid.

4. Entries - Schools will be entered on a first come, first serve basis. There will be a fifty team limit, and no more than three teams from each school may enter without approval.

5. Forfeits - Any team more than ten minutes late to a round, through no fault of the tournament, will forfeit the round on a 3-4 decision. Teams failing to arrive before 8:00 AM will forfeit the first round on the same 3-4 decision, so we ask that all teams arrive prior to the start time for proper registration.

6. Schedule - All debaters will participate in five rounds of competition. There will be no semi-finals or finals.

7. Judging - Single judges will evaluate most rounds, with the possibility of some panels throughout the tournament. Any coach or sponsor may be asked to judge so advise your sponsor of this possibility..

8. Awards - Medals will be given to the top six teams in the tournament. Sweepstakes plaques will be awarded to the top two schools with the best three-team record. The final rankings will be determined by win/loss record, reciprocals, speaker points, and finally opposition record and opp speaker points, in that order.

9. Scouting - No form of scouting will be allowed.

10. Lunch – There will be no concession stand so you will want to bring a lunch or money for the vending machines.