CBSR IE and LD 1

2024 — Yucaipa High School, CA/US

Open Lincoln-Douglas

Abbreviation O LD
Format Debate
NSDA LD Sept/Oct
Resolved: The United States ought to require that workers receive a living wage.
Entry Fee $0.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Lincoln Douglas: (Disclaimer: In case of a conflict between this list and CHSSA Rules in effect for 2024-25, CHSSA rules take precedence.)

Lincoln-Douglas debate is a debate on a value topic. One contestant upholds the wording of the resolution and the other argues against the wording of the resolution. No question of values can be determined entirely true or false. This is why the resolution is debatable. Therefore neither debater should be held to a standard of absolute proof. No debater can realistically be expected to prove complete validity or invalidity of the resolution. The better debater is the one who, on the whole, proves their side of the resolution more valid as a general principle.

Please assign speaker points from 24.0 to 30.0 in TENTH point increments using the scale to the right of your ballot. DO NOT tie speakers.

There are only a few rules for Lincoln-Douglas:

Rule 1: The Affirmative must uphold the resolution, in effect saying “Yes” to what the resolution says. The Negative must argue against the Affirmative case as well as advance their own reasons why the status quo is acceptable or better.

Rule 2: Both speakers must adhere to the time limits for each speech.

Rule 3: No new issues may be introduced in the rebuttal speeches. Rebuttals are for re-argument and clash over issues introduced in Constructive speeches. (Negative arguments will be answered in the 1AR for the first time).

Rule 4: The Affirmative may not offer any plan or new policy regarding the topic. The debate centers on the moral or philosophical implications of the debate resolution. The Negation may not offer a counterplan.

Rule 5: Both debaters bear the burden of clash; that is, they must acknowledge and argue the issues raised by their opponent in the round.

No time signals are necessary in LD - the students should be timing themselves. USE OF A PHONE AS A TIMER IS ALLOWED, BUT REINFORCE WITH THE STUDENTS THAT PHONES MUST BE IN AIRPLANE MODE.

As the judge, however, you are the official time keeper. Keep students from going over time as necessary. There is no overtime penalty, but do not consider statements made after a reasonable grace period (time to finish a thought).