Duquesne University Invitational

2024 — Pittsburgh, PA/US

Extemporaneous Speaking

Abbreviation EX
Format Speech
Entry Fee $10.00
Overall Entry Limit 24
Entry Limit Per School 5
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

- The speech shall not exceed seven (7) minutes in length. NO MINIMUM TIME REQUIREMENT. The speech may
be informative or persuasive in nature.
• Up to fifty (50) words of notes may be used.
• The student must bring the topic slip drawn for that round, to the judge, or a copy of the topic written by the
prep room judge.
• Substituting a different topic for the topic drawn will result in disqualification from the tournament.
• Plagiarism or fabrication of evidence is prohibited and will result in a student being disqualified from the
• In all individual events, a grace period of thirty (30) seconds over the event is permitted without penalty. If a
student is more than thirty (30) seconds over, they may not be ranked first. Excessive overtime violations should
be penalized more harshly.