Forensics Early Bird at Wake Forest

2015 — NC/US

JV Lincoln-Douglas

Abbreviation JVLD
Format Debate
Entry Fee $70.00
Entry Limit Per School 4
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Lincoln-Douglas Debate: Each school may enter up to four one-person varsity "teams" prepared to debate both sides of the LD resolution (you may request a 5th and 6th slot). LD debaters can be entered in Varsity or Junior Varsity.  Junior Varsity Lincoln-Douglas debate is restricted to debaters in their first two years of competition. In Lincoln-Douglas, ties will be broken based on record, adjusted points, total points, opponents' record, double-adjusted points, judge variance, flip of a coin, in that order. Speech times: 6 Min Aff l 3 Min CX l 7 Min Neg l 3 Min CX l 4 Min 1AR l 6 Min NR l 3 Min 2AR l 4 Min Prep.

LD debate features six preliminary rounds followed by an appropriate number of elimination rounds in each division.



Lincoln-Douglas Debate: Each entry is required to provide three flighted rounds of judging per debater. A limited number of hired judges will be available for $30 per flighted round.


Judges are required to be available for one round past their team's elimination.  All judges are obligated to be available Sunday morning.  Anyone desiring to leave early should notify the tab room in as far advance as possible