James Madison University Invitational

2012 — VA/US
Field in Novice
36 entries
Institution Location Entry Code Record
Binghamton NY/US Binghamton - Conyers and Masrani Binghamton CM
Binghamton NY/US Binghamton - Ko and Kurihara Binghamton KK
Binghamton NY/US Binghamton - Ke and Sehgal Binghamton KS
Binghamton NY/US Binghamton - Maine and Ochweri Binghamton MO
Binghamton NY/US Binghamton - Raparia and Sigl Binghamton RS
Binghamton NY/US Binghamton - Robinson and Yuen Binghamton RY
Clarion PA/US Clarion - Baker and Beary Clarion BB
Clarion PA/US Clarion - Camloh and Reinert Clarion CR
Clarion PA/US Clarion - Delaney and Zundel Clarion DZ
Clarion PA/US Clarion - Gloekl and Hogg Clarion GH
George Mason VA/US George Mason - Emerson and Thomas GMU ET
George Mason VA/US George Mason - Hintz and Jalbuena GMU HJ
George Mason VA/US George Mason - Hoey and Melton GMU HM
George Mason VA/US George Mason - Massa and Sanders GMU MS
George Mason VA/US George Mason - Nijjar and Upton GMU NU
John Carroll OH/US John Carroll - Dockery and Mendes JCU DM
James Madison VA/US James Madison - Albergas and Tougas JMU AT
James Madison VA/US James Madison - Kelaher and Perez JMU KP
Liberty VA/US Liberty - Beaston and Wullschleger Liberty BW
Liberty VA/US Liberty - Call and Cook Liberty CC
Liberty VA/US Liberty - Crane and Saliba Liberty CS
Liberty VA/US Liberty - Salmons and Schiess Liberty SS
Monmouth NJ/US Monmouth - Anderson and Maynard Monmouth AM
Monmouth NJ/US Monmouth - Consentino and Kulik Monmouth CK
Monmouth NJ/US Monmouth - Craig and Maynard Monmouth CM
Monmouth NJ/US Monmouth - Grushko and Nawoyski Monmouth GN
United States Naval MD/US United States Naval - Breslin and Graveline Navy BG
United States Naval MD/US United States Naval - Cutner and Mack Navy CM
United States Naval MD/US United States Naval - Daly and Dinelli Navy DD
United States Naval MD/US United States Naval - Kotlarski and Shabshab Navy KS
Rutgers-Newark NJ/US Rutgers-Newark - Abbas and Willams Rutgers AW
Liberty VA/US Samford\Liberty - Bennie and Hood Samford\Liberty BH
Mary Washington VA/US Mary Washington - Obolensky and Tamberg UMW OT
VT VA/US VT Debate - Deevi and Graham Virgina Tech DG
VT VA/US VT Debate - Khan and Lee Virgina Tech KL
West Virginia WV/US West Virginia - Guirguis and Russell West VA GR