Rice University Classic

2024 — Houston, TX/US
Field in NPDA
30 entries
Institution Location Entry Code Record
McKendree IL/US Brown & Asbury McKend AB
McKendree IL/US Adewole & Carney McKend AC
McKendree IL/US Headlee & Tolbert McKend HT
Mercer GA/US Kimbrough & Sullivan Mercer KS
Mercer GA/US Mason & Acevedo Mercer MA
Mercer GA/US Patel & Owens Mercer OP
Parliamentary Debate at Berkeley CA/US Carrillo & Gallon PDAB CG
Parliamentary Debate at Berkeley CA/US Carrillo & Lan PDAB CL
Parliamentary Debate at Berkeley CA/US Schuster & Lin PDAB SL
Rice TX/US Dondeti & Johnson Rice DJ
Rice TX/US Wang & Gupta Rice GW
Rice TX/US Stancik & Naqvi Rice NS
Rice TX/US Surya & Sanderfer Rice SS
Rice TX/US Trevino & Phan Rice TP
the Pacific CA/US Amador & Santillan thePac AS
the Pacific CA/US Brogger & Campi thePac BC
Tulane LA/US Campbell & Korchev Tulane CK
Tulane LA/US Fairchild & Jin Tulane FJ
Tulane LA/US Fricke & Raines Tulane FR
Tulane LA/US Shohet & Edmond Tulane SE
Utah UT/US Powers & Watrin Utah PW
Urban Texas TX/US Birjandi & Rodriguez UTex BR
UT Tyler TX/US Agorastos & Arseienko UTTyl AA
UT Tyler TX/US Carroll & Stansbery UTTyl CS
UT Tyler TX/US Smith & Wood UTTyl SW
Whitman WA/US Brown & Cherif Whitma BC
Whitman WA/US Mathy & Grechishkin Whitma GM
Whitman WA/US Priebe & Brenneman-Ochoa Whitma PB
William Jewell MO/US Dixon & Terry WilJew DT
William Jewell MO/US Massey & Haynes WilJew MH