El Campo High School Debbie Hamman Memorial UIL Invitational

2022 — El Campo, TX/US

Prose and Poetry Documentation

Competitors in Senior Prose and Poetry must provide documentation for their pieces. Below is are two links that will take you to the proper UIL documentation form. Please fill it out and email it to me with the proper requirements. See the below check list. If you would like to scan them all into one PDF file and send it at one time, this would also be welcomed.


Email all sumbissions/questions to David Otradovsky at: dotradovsky@ricebirds.net


Documentation Checklist

1. Copies of the Title Page, Copyright page, and first page of the selection of the book from which the piece was taken.

2. Student name and School name on the top corners of all copied matierals.

3. Compleated UIL Documentation form.


UIL Prose Documentation Link: 


UIL Poetry Documentation Link: 
