Winter Invitational

2022 — NSDA Campus, US

Congress Legislation


Round One:

End Federal Recognition of Thanksgiving Transition to Metric System (effective in 2025)

Round Two:

Cede Washington, DC to Maryland
Media Coverage of Crimes (effective in 2024)

Round Three:

Ban Motor Vehicles from Downtown Areas Abolish the Senate


A Bill to End Federal Recognition of Thanksgiving


Thanksgiving Day, being the fourth Thursday in the month of November, shall no longer be recognized or observed as a federal holiday.
On the fourth Thursday in November, all federal government offices shall remain open, stock market trading shall continue as normal, and federal government employees shall not be eligible for any special leave. State and local governments and private businesses may choose to continue recognizing and observing Thanksgiving if they see fit.

This legislation shall take effect on January 1, 2023.
All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.


A Bill to Transition the United States to the Metric System


The United States shall end its official usage of United States customary units and transition toward the International System of Units, commonly referred to as the metric system, as defined by the General Conference on Weights and Measures.
All future documentation and reports produced by U.S. government agencies and entities at all levels shall immediately begin utilizing metric units. They may present U.S. customary units parenthetically alongside metric units for five years from the date of passage, at which point U.S. customary units shall be prohibited on government documents and reports.

Within two years of the date of passage, all outside organizations doing business with U.S. government agencies and entities at all levels must begin utilizing metric units in any government interactions. This includes items sold in U.S. markets that are regulated by a U.S. government agency, such as motor vehicles.

Units on government signage, including signage erected by the Federal Highway Administration (FHA) and other Department of Transportation (DOT) agencies, shall be switched to metric gradually whenever individual signs need to be replaced. Within twenty years of the date of passage, any signage that does not yet feature metric units shall have metric units added. Signage of unique historic or cultural value is exempt from these requirements.
This legislation shall be overseen by all relevant agencies. The National Park Service shall serve in an advisory role for Section 4.
This legislation shall take effect on January 1, 20253.
All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

A Bill to Cede the Majority of Washington, D.C. to Maryland


The territory of the District of Columbia (D.C.) shall be ceded to Maryland to become part of that state, with the exception of an area surrounding the U.S. Capitol Building, the Supreme Court???? the White House???? and the National Mall???? ????ith that area????s borders dra????n along the roads that most closely encircle these locations, Which shall remain the nation????s constitutionally mandated federal district.

One half of DCs current federal budget shall be redirected to Mar????land to assist in administering this new territory and in providing for the new Marylanders who live there. The remaining half shall be retained for administration of the nation????s federal district???? This legislation shall take effect on July 16, 2029.
All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

IV A Bill to Require Follow-up and Closure in Media Coverage of Alleged Crime


Any media outlet that runs a story on an alleged crime and in doing so mentions the name of, or otherwise clearly identifies any alleged perpetrators, must provide timely and proportional follow-up and closure on the story as soon as any developments become publicly available. Specifically, media outlets must report dropping of charges against an alleged perpetrator and explain the circumstances that led to the false accusation.

A media outlet is defined as a company or organization that reports the news to the public via any format, including but not limited to, print distribution, television and radio, podcasts, websites, and social media. In the context of this legislation, timely means within 72 hours of the news having become public, unless the next publication or broadcast would not occur within that timespan, in which case the news must be reported whenever the ne????t publication or broadcast does occur ????and ????ithin ???????? hours via the outlet????s social media accounts). In the context of this legislation, proportional means with the same prominence and duration as the outlet gave in its initial reporting on the story.

Any media outlet found to be in violation of this legislation shall be fined $100,000 for each infraction and shall be liable to civil action from any individual or individuals whose reputations were maligned by the media outlets failure to comply Any media outlet found to have violated this legislation three or more times shall have its license to broadcast or publish news revoked.

This legislation shall be overseen by the Federal Communications Commission. This legislation shall take effect on January 1, 20243.
All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

V. A Resolution to Encourage U.S. Cities to Ban Motor Vehicles from Downtown



Privately-owned motor vehicle traffic is an impediment to the pedestrian activities that are the beating heart of the downtown areas of cities; and

Privately-owned motor vehicle traffic reduces the efficacy of public transportation in urban areas; and

Privately-owned motor vehicle traffic is a major source of air pollution both within cities and elsewhere; now, therefore be it

by the Congress here assembled that U.S. cities of all sizes are encouraged to establish privately-owned, motor- vehicle-free zones in their downtown areas to promote pedestrian activities, encourage use of public transportation, and reduce air pollution; and

FURTHER RESOLVED that Congress commends New York City (Central Park), among many other US communities both large and small, for already taking steps in this direction.

VI A Resolution to Amend the Constitution to Abolish the Senate

RESOLVED, By two-thirds of the Congress here assembled, that the following article is proposed as an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which shall be valid to all intents and purposes as part of the Constitution when ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several states within seven years from the date of its submission by the Congress:

SECTION 1:. The federal legislature shall henceforth be unicameral, and the Senate shall be abolished.

All Constitutional duties and privileges heretofore invested in the Senate shall be henceforth bestowed upon the House of Representatives. Redundant duties and privileges shall be rescinded, with the House of Representatives assuming full authority on these matters.

SECTION 2: The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.