Cy Fair ISD Novice Night 1

2023 — Houston, TX/US


Each school will be charged a flat fee of $150 to cover the expenses of the host campus. There are no other costs for participating. However, it is important that schools provide varsity students to help judge and run key parts of the tournament. NEW**** If you host a Novice Night, you do not need to pay to attend them.

All CFISD schools should work with their campus financial secretaries to pay through a budget transfer. The budget code should be printed at the bottom of your tabroom fee sheet. Please pay ASAP.

Also, please register your varsity students in tabroom under judges and select if they would prefer to be a debate judge or an IE judge.

Last but not least, please be sure to train your varsity students on constructive criticism and discuss with them what it means to be role models for the younger participants. The spirit of this evening should be to encourage novices in speech & debate while providing supportive feedback on how they can improve.

Thank you!