The Farmington Fledgling Invitational

2024 — Farmington, UT/US

The Farmington High School Debate Team is proud to announce the Farmington Fledgling Invitational!

(Even though it is called an invitational, it is open to all teams wanting to attend)

Designed exclusively for Novice competitors, this tournament gives new debaters additional experience and an opportunity to try new events in a low-pressure situation.


Each competitor can compete in one debate event (or congress) and one speech event. We highly encourage students to take advantage of this and sign up for both speech and debate.

Every member of your team is invited to come because VARSITY STUDENTS WILL ACT AS JUDGES. This way schools don't need to worry about finding judges!

There will be two rounds of speech events and two rounds of debate events (congress will go at the same time as debate, and will have one 2-hour session)

After the final round ends (approximately 8:00) there will be a 1 hour "mix and mingle" in the commons area where there will be music playing, light refreshments, and an opportunity to get to know debaters from other schools.

Events offered:





Combined Interp (humorous, dramatic, duo)

Informative/Original Oratory


4:00- Debate Round 1 begins/ Congress begins

5:00- Debate Round 2 begins/ Congress continues

6:00- Speech Round 1 begins

7:00- Speech Round 2 begins

8:00- Awards/ beginning of mix and mingle

9:00- End time

*We will NOT be using any novice topics.