Corona Rostrensis at Charlotte Latin School

2024 — Charlotte, NC/US

Protests & Equity Concerns


During the tournament, if you believe a rule violation has occurred and would like to file an official protest, please visit the help desk in Shelton Hall or the Tab Room to notify our tabulation staff. Protests must be submitted within 30 minutes of the end of the round in which the infraction occurred.

Please consult the NCFL Bylaws (Declamation only) or NSDA Unified Manual (all other events) prior to filing the protest, as you will be asked to identify the specific rule that has been violated and provide evidence of its violation.


Equity Concerns

Charlotte Latin Speech & Debate is committed to providing all tournament participants a safe and mutually respectful environment. All forms of harassment and discrimination are prohibited, whether committed by students, coaches, judges, or volunteers. Individuals who are in violation of this policy will be subject to sanctions including removal from the tournament.

If you believe you have been a victim of harassment or discrimination, please report it using the form below, or visit the help desk in Shelton Hall to speak to a member of our Equity Committee.

Corona Rostrensis Equity Concern Form