Golden Desert NIETOC Qualifier

2024 — Henderson, NV/US

TOC Qualification Levels

All events will be eligible for a "Champion" bid and most will receive Top 3 bids. We expect Extemp, Oratory, and Informative to qualify for Finals bids based on previous attendance levels. Qualification levels per the TOC:

All varsity-level Speech tournaments are eligible to receive bids in events offered by the Tournament of Champions, so long as they meet the following criteria and submit their UKTOC bid report via Tabroom no later than March 1, 2024:

  • Champion (1 Bid) - Minimum 8 Entries / 3 Schools / 3 Prelims AND Finals
  • Top 3 (Up to 3 Bids) - Minimum 16 Entries / 4 Schools / 3 Prelims AND Finals
  • Finals (Up to 6 Bids) - Minimum 30 Entries / 5 Schools / 3 Prelims AND Semifinals + Finals