Roseville Rosebowl Week 1

2024 — Roseville, MN/US

The Roseville Rosebowl tournament is back and better than ever! The first weekend of the Rosebowl will be Oct 25-26, Halloween weekend and is Policy only. Weekend 2 of the Rosebowl (November 2) is LD, Congress, and PF.

As a Halloween tournament, we are encouraging costumes - be creative! We'll have prizes for best creative costumes (team and individual).

The Brian Plunkett Creative Argument Award is also back! Encourage your JV and Varsity debaters to bring out of the box, creative, and dynamic arguments to the debate. They can be competitively focused arguments, or non-competitive just for fun!

Friday- Policy Schedule

Check In: 2:45-3:20

Tech Check: 3:30-4:00

Round 1: 4:00-6:00

Dinner Break: 6:00-6:30

Round 2: 6:30-8:30

Friday: Debate will be online; check in from 2:45-3:30, pairings at 3:40, and we will begin rounds at 4:00pm. (20 minutes of tech check time from 3:40-4:00.) PLEASE make sure your debaters have linked tabroom accounts and have gone through the tech checklist. If your debaters are not connected then *you*, the coach, are responsible for sending them the link to correct room. If their tech does not work and you can't promptly fix it then we will be forced to give your debaters a forfeit in order to keep the tournament on time. If your debaters are not prepared, it not only hurts them, but it wastes another team's time (since they get a forced bye)!

Saturday - Policy Schedule
Round 1: 9:30
Lunch 11:30-12:00
Round 2: 12:00
Round 3: 2:30 (Hidden Finals for Varsity! Spooky!!!!)

Awards: 4:30-5:15

Saturday: Debate will be IN PERSON. Please arrive to Roseville Area High School no later than 9:00am. One coach from your team must physically come to the physical tab room in the media center and check in (this includes checking in entries and judges). If you do not do this, your team is not considered checked in. We strongly encourage you to let Jake (507-382-3740) know when your team has gotten on the bus and are on their way to the tournament.

Pick Up/Drop Off:

Please have buses pick up and drop off in the main parking lot - enter through the door marked "Performing Arts" and immediately turn left into the cafeteria. This is where you and your team should hang out before, after, and between debates.

Buses should plan to drop off at the school around 8:45am teams and leave around 5:20pm.

Regardless of drop off time, the moment your bus leaves your school you should update your tabroom entries and either email Robyn ( or text Jake (507-382-3740) about your entry status (all in and confirmed or missing students/judges X, Y, and Z).

More details to come; we are excited to see you all!

-Robyn Madson, RAHS debate

A laid-back man with long messy hair and a beard, wearing sunglasses. He’s dressed in a Halloween-themed robe, similar to Jeffrey Lebowski's style but with a spooky twist. The robe is orange and black with spooky patterns like bats, spiders, and ghosts. The man is not holding any cigarette or alcohol, and the background features a haunted vibe with jack-o'-lanterns, cobwebs, and spooky decorations.

Roseville Rosebowl 2024

A character resembling Jeffrey Lebowski from the Big Lebowski, with long messy hair, a beard, and wearing sunglasses. He’s dressed in a Halloween-themed robe in orange and black, with spooky patterns like bats, spiders, and ghosts. The character has a laid-back appearance and is not holding anything in his hands or mouth. The background has a haunted vibe with jack-o'-lanterns, cobwebs, and other spooky decorations.