Atsa Invitational

2024 — Farmington, NM/US

Diné Cultural Night

Diné Cultural Night

7-9 PM, Friday, October 25

The first hour of this event will consist of a variety of cultural activities (including games, crafts, language learning, and cooking) at stations around campus. Guests may select from these options, some of which may require sign-ups (stay tuned!). As we approach the evening’s halfway point, we will transition into a communal Diné meal. The evening will conclude with a cultural presentation from Kevin Belin, Director of Navajo Prep’s Diné Bizaad Institute, as well as some song and dance! Students, coaches, judges, chaperones, and bus drivers are all welcome, and dinner will be provided at no cost to our guests! Please RSVP by email (to no later than Monday, October 21, with your anticipated numbers and any dietary restrictions.