SCJFL Fall Debate

2017 — Pasadena, CA/US

Revised schedule

Lincoln-Douglas and Public Forum schedule

7:45 Announcements/round one pairings emailed

8:00-8:45 Round one

8:45 Round two pairings emailed

9:00-9:45 Round two

10:15 Round three pairings emailed

10:30-11:15 Round three

11:45 Round four pairings emailed

12:00-12:45   Round four

12:45-1:45 Lunch

1:45 Round five pairings emailed

2:00-2:45 Round five

3:15 Round six pairings emailed*

3:30-4:15 Round six*

4:30 Awards*

*Round six may be skipped if tournament is running behind or if there is one undefeated entry after round five. Awards will be expedited if round six is not held.


Policy and Congress schedule

8:00-10:00 Round one

10:30-12:30 Round two

12:45-1:45 Lunch*

2:00-4:00 Round three*

4:30 Awards*

*Awards, round three, and lunch may all be pushed forward if after round four of LD and PF we know that both events will only be five rounds.