2018 — Towson, MD, MD/US
Public Forum: 26 Judges
Paradigm First Last Institution Location
Lou Bervid St Marys HS MD
Ben Casey Patapsco High School MD
Anthony Cipro River Hill High School MD
Mimi Cukier Park School of Baltimore MD
Scott Curtis Westminster High School MD
Yash Desai Western School of Technology and Environmental Science MD
Jane Dulin Dulaney MD
Deb Hamilton Dulaney MD
Qiming He Marriotts Ridge High School MD
Travis Henschen Friends School of Baltimore MD
Daniel Jacoby Park School of Baltimore MD
Tofayel Khan Western School of Technology and Environmental Science MD
Kaitlyn Kylus Arundel High School MD
Jack Lum Howard HS MD
Antonio McMillion Western MD
Darryl Mitchell Centennial High School - Ellicott City MD
Lynn Myers Francis Scott Key High School MD
Debi Palmer Notre Dame Prep. MD
Jonathan Richmond Western School of Technology and Environmental Science MD
Malcolm Rowe Paul Laurence Dunbar High School KY
Eugene Shen Centennial High School - Ellicott City MD
Paul Strickland Calvert Hall College HS MD
Pamala Watson Westminster High School MD
Edward White Westminster High School MD
Tingxi Yu Howard HS MD
Peisheng Zhao River Hill High School MD