2022 — Online, NY/US
PF HS Novice: 18 Judges
Paradigm First Middle Last Institution Location
Tara Florian Bognar Millennium Brooklyn High School NY
Dylan Brown World View High School NY
Sandy Chen I.S. 98 The Bay Academy NY
Avery Cook Beacon School NY
Parbinder Dhariwal New York Institute for Collaborative Education NY
Liliana Gordon Hire MD
Ellie-Gabe Grodzki BSGE Debate Team NY
Zoe Halaban Beacon School NY
Jason Lynch NEST + m NY
Leela Mukherjee-Sze Fiorello H Laguardia High School NY
Peter Mugaba Noertoft Hire
Jason Persaud Queens High School for the Sciences at York College NY
John Pfeiffer NEST + m NY
Randall Toure Benjamin Banneker HS NY
Tatyana Turner Hire PA
Kristen Vinculado Hire NY
Nicky Zhu Hire NY
Pauline Zhu Queens High School for the Sciences at York College NY