61st Annual George R R Pflaum Debate Tournament

2016 — Emporia State University, KS/US
Policy Paradigm List
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Danny Abraha University of North Texas 1 rounds None
Eric Beane University of Houston 6 rounds
Ian Beier University of Kansas 5 rounds
Drew Bonnet Emporia State University 6 rounds
Eli Brennan University of Central Oklahoma 6 rounds
Ashley Denney UT San Antonio 6 rounds
Philip DiPiazza UT San Antonio 6 rounds
Michael Eisenstadt University of Kansas 6 rounds
Corey Fisher University of Missouri - Kansas City 2 rounds
Katie Ford Emporia State University 2 rounds
Matt Gerber Baylor University 3 rounds
brian gonzaba Hire
Joshua Gonzalez University of Houston 6 rounds
Scott Harris University of Kansas
David Keller Kansas State 3 rounds
Justin Kirk University of Kansas 6 rounds
chris loghry Emporia State University
Daniel Martinek University of North Texas 6 rounds None
Samuel Maurer Wichita State University 6 rounds
Hunter McCullough Hire 6 rounds
Ryan McFarland Wichita State University 6 rounds
andy montee Hire 6 rounds
Matthew Moore University of Central Oklahoma 6 rounds
Eric Morris Missouri State University 2 rounds
Matt Munday UT Dallas 2 rounds
Anthony Ogbuli UT Dallas 3 rounds
Alex Rickard Emporia State University 3 rounds
Courtney Schauer Emporia State University 5 rounds
Nick J. Sciullo Illinois College 6 rounds
Sav Seelinger Baylor University 6 rounds
Fred Sternhagen Concordia College 4 rounds
Daniel Stout Johnson County Community College 5 rounds
Andrew StoutHart Missouri State University 2 rounds
Kristen StoutHart Missouri State University 3 rounds
Alex Turley Emporia State University 6 rounds
Matthew Vega University of Missouri - Kansas City
Heather Walters Missouri State University 2 rounds
Mike Weitz Oklahoma 5 rounds