ACTAA High School September Regional

2020 — Online, AR/US
Debate Paradigm List
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Andrew Adams Jonesboro
Nihal Anwar Russellville HS Forensics/Debate None
Trey Berry Hire 8 rounds None
Brandon Box-Higdem Bentonville High School
Maysen Brokaw Cabot High School
Kelly Brown Hire 8 rounds None
Jillian Brugger Hire 8 rounds
Holden Bukowsky Hire 8 rounds
Diana Butler Russellville HS Forensics/Debate None
Fabian Chue Don Tyson School Of Innovation None
Adam Cox Dardanelle High School
James Dabdub Fayetteville High School None
Angela Duggins Hire 8 rounds
Max Dunn Russellville HS Forensics/Debate None
Caroline Eastep Hire 8 rounds None
Toby Edmondson Hire 8 rounds None
Rebecca Ellis Hire 8 rounds
Tommy Raegan Alyzabeth English Hire 8 rounds
Don Erwin Russellville HS Forensics/Debate None
Clark Etzel Russellville HS Forensics/Debate 8 rounds None
Cora Ferguson Hire 8 rounds
Chris Flowers Little Rock Central
Karsten Gjeruldsen Hire 8 rounds
Sol Halle Hire 8 rounds
Mattie Henley Conway Christian School Troupe 8756 None
Connor Henson Don Tyson School Of Innovation None
Efrain Herrarte Russellville HS Forensics/Debate None
Laura Hicks Cabot High School
Jacob Hodges Russellville HS Forensics/Debate None
Irshad Reza Husain Hire 8 rounds
Lindsey Jetton Russellville HS Forensics/Debate 8 rounds None
Julia Eve Lane Hire 8 rounds
Roxana Loaeza Russellville HS Forensics/Debate None
Sooyoung Matthews Hire 8 rounds None
Mark Mayfield Jonesboro None
McKenzie McClain Hire 8 rounds None
Nicholas Moyes Hire 8 rounds
Ryan Peel Russellville HS Forensics/Debate 8 rounds None
Sean Petersen Don Tyson School Of Innovation
Estefani Ramirez Bentonville West High School None
Angela Rogers Bentonville West High School None
Tara Sanders Russellville HS Forensics/Debate
Salvador Sandoval Hire 8 rounds
Atira Schulte Cabot High School
Savannah Sharp Jonesboro
Brittany Snyman Cabot High School
Kim Stanley North Little Rock High School None
Achal Thakore Hire 8 rounds None
Keianna Trujillo Hire 8 rounds None
Graham Schuyler Aryeh Wall Hire 8 rounds
Leigh Walters Hire 8 rounds
Abby Walton Hire 8 rounds
Turner Ward Cabot High School
Madison White Hire 8 rounds
Ayman Yousef Hire 8 rounds None
Xin Zhang Russellville HS Forensics/Debate 8 rounds None