Oddball Outing

2023 — Online, WA/US


Abbreviation STORY
Format Speech
Entry Fee $0.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

o Storytelling consists of sharing a story with an audience, performed as if the audience were a group of young children.

o The story must not exceed 5 minutes, with a 30-second grace period. If the speaker goes over a 30 second grace period the contestant may not be awarded first place in the round.

o Students may use a full range of movement to express themselves and may incorporate a chair in a variety of different ways [e.g., standing on it, hiding behind it, etc.], though the chair may not be used as a prop [e.g. holding it up to mimic a weapon, using it to portray a character, etc.] during the performance. Students may be seated, but most commonly performers use a full range of stage space available to them.

o Note cards may be used for this tournament, but speakers should not be reading directly from a storybook.