Golden Eagle Interp

2024 — Aberdeen, SD/US

Story Telling

Abbreviation ST
Format Speech
Entry Fee $10.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

he purpose of Storytelling is to give students the opportunity to develop the art
of creating a mood wherein a spoken narrative transports the audience to the time and place of the story being
recounted. A storyteller is a narrator - not an actor or actress - and although gestures, pantomime, movement, and
characterization are not barred, they must be used with restraint. The focus of the presentation must be on the
narrative, with the teller acting as a presenter and not a performer. The teller must clearly grasp and convey the
meaning of the tale. The judge should rate highly the mechanics of superior speaking: fluency, vocal variety,
articulation, eye contact, gesture. The use of a manuscript is optional. The storyteller may speak standing or seated in
a chair or combination of both. No stools are permitted. The chair used in performance must be provided by the host
site. No props or visual aids may be used. "When the teller has been successful in bringing the tale to life, the telling
will seem entirely natural, almost effortless".
a. Single published, printed story, anecdote, tale, myth or legend must be retold without the use of props.
b. The maximum time is five minutes, but the story may be briefer without penalty. An introduction must be
included within the five-minute time limit
c. The student may not tell a story he/she used in previous years of competition in Storytelling within district
or region contests or the State Festival.
d. Gestures, pantomime, and characterization may be used with restraint but the focus must be on the
e. A theme shall be chosen by the Speech Advisory Committee annually