SMSD Last Chance Qualifier

2022 — Online, KS/US

This will be a virtual asynchronous tournament.

Students may enter up to 3 events and may only enter events that they have not yet qualified to state in.

There will be no entry fees. 

Schools must provide 1 judge per 6 entries. Judges who are neutral and unaffiliated with your school would be preferred, but we realize that may not be possible.

We will first limit this tournament to only SMSD schools. If numbers are low enough, and we can take more entries, we may end up doing that.

Video links and names of judges and competitors are due at the end of the day on Monday, April 4th. 

Videos may not be edited. 

There will be 2 prelim rounds followed by finals. The window for judges to complete prelim rounds will be Wednesday and Thursday. Finals will be posted Thursday evening and judges will have until the end of the day on Friday to complete their ballots.

Impromptu and extemp topic areas will be posted at a later date.

Events will follow KSHSAA event rules. SMSD head coaches will serve as the tournament directors. We reserve the right to handle any grievances or rules issues as we see fit.