Last changed on
Fri September 27, 2024 at 7:15 AM CDT
I have competed in Speech and Debate for 4 years, I was a captain and I know what's going on. I'm not a lay or parent judge, if you know what your doing and show it and I will be able to see it.
Be clear and concise with your arguments, if I can't follow it then I'm not flowing it.
I will be fair as long as you are respectful to your opponents. I get their is tension during heated arguments but remember this isn't that serious in life so their is no reason to make enemies. Shake hands after the round it shows sportsman ship, I'm not requiring you to do that but I love to see it.
I don't typically judge policy, so I'm not really a fan of that level of spreading but I'm not opposed to it. But again if I can't follow it, I'm not flowing it.
If you have any questions feel free to email me or ask in before round!
Good luck to all!