RQT at Rochester Prep

2025 — Rochester, NY/US

Intermediate Lincoln-Douglas

Abbreviation ILD
Format Debate
Entry Fee $5.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:


Affirmative Constructive 6 Minutes

Negative Cross Examination 3 Minutes

Negative Constructive 7 Minutes

Affirmative Cross Examination 3 Minutes

First Affirmative Rebuttal 4 Minutes

Negative Rebuttal 6 Minutes

Second Affirmative Rebuttal 3 Minutes

JUDGING CRITERIA: Consider the following aspects of debate style, strategy and technique in making you decision: organization, analysis of issues, support of arguments with evidence and/or reasoning, refutation of opponent’s arguments, delivery, respectful attitude and demeanor. Rate each debater on a scale of 15-30 points and give HIGHER POINTS to the winning debater.