RQT at Rochester Prep
2025 — Rochester, NY/US
Program Oral Interpretation
Event Description:
1. The best speaker should be given the rank of 1.
2. No two speakers may be given the same rank.
3. Time Limit: Maximum of ten (10) Minutes with on minimum. There is a mandatory thirty (30) second grace period during which time no penalty may be assessed. Speakers who exceed this grace period may not be ranked first in the round.
Judging Criteria
Directions: Using the prompts below, please provide constructive feedback to the competitor. Your comments should highlight areas of strength as well as provide areas for growth. Be as specific as possible in your feedback. Use the space to expand your thoughts on any of these areas or to comment on specific moments or lines that stood out to you. Please do not comment on participants' attire or appearance; this should not play a role in your decision.
Programming: Were at least two of the three genres of literature (Poetry/Prose/Drama) used in the program? Did all of the literature contribute to the theme or argument? Did the flow of the performance make sense? Was there a balance among genres in the performance?
Blocking: Can you tell what the performer was doing in each scene? Was it clear what selection the performer was using in each section? Did the performer maintain control of the manuscript at all times? Was the movement motivated in the performance?
Characterization: Did each selection have distinct and engaging characters? Did the performance match the genre (e.g. did the performer emphasize poetic elements when performing a Poetry selection)? Was the performance dynamic?