Liberty University Debate Tournament

2012 — VA/US
Field in Varsity
20 entries
Institution Location Entry Code Record
Emory GA/US Emory - Bontha and Li Emory BL
Emory GA/US Emory - Dean and Sigalow Emory DS
Georgetown DC/US Georgetown - Bhushan and Unwala Georgetown BU
Georgetown DC/US Georgetown - Erpenbach and McGrath Georgetown EM
Georgia GA/US Georgia - Feinberg and Hebbale Georgia FH
George Mason VA/US George Mason - Merican and Woodward GMU MW
George Washington DC/US George Washington - Nelson and Sommers GWU NS
Iowa IA/US Iowa - Croat and Lehrman Iowa CL
Iowa IA/US Iowa - Long and Windergerst Iowa LW
John Carroll OH/US John Carroll - Massarelli and Stolfer John Carroll MS
Liberty VA/US Liberty - Apthorp and Bobbitt Liberty AB
Liberty VA/US Liberty - Ayodeji and Holguin Liberty AH
Pittsburgh PA/US Pittsburgh - Julian and Woodford Pittsburgh JW
Mary Washington VA/US Mary Washington - Lopez and Pacheco UMW LP
Vanderbilt TN/US Vanderbilt - Mitchell and Tieu Vanderbilt MT
Wake Forest NC/US Wake Forest - Clifford and Villa Wake Forest CV
Wake Forest NC/US Wake Forest - Diamond and Duff Wake Forest DD
Wayne State MI/US Wayne State - Brundage and Wirth Wayne State BW
Wayne State MI/US Wayne State - Dodson and Nagel Wayne State DN
Wayne State MI/US Wayne State - Justice and Slaw Wayne State JS