Golden Desert Debate Tournament 2023 at UNLV

2023 — Las Vegas, NV/US
Field in VCX
63 entries
Institution Location Entry Code Status Record
Barstow MO/US Bauman & Sampat Barstow BS
Barstow MO/US Levin & Schedler Barstow LS
Barstow MO/US Gonzales & Sharma Barstow SG
Barstow MO/US Sood & Nguyen Barstow SN
Berkeley Prep FL/US Feeney & Tirupathi Berkeley Prep FT
Berkeley Prep FL/US Kuperman & Weisman Berkeley Prep KW
Berkeley Prep FL/US Ross & Varkantham Berkeley Prep RV
Berkeley Prep FL/US Souchet & Zinober Berkeley Prep SZ
Damien HS and St. Lucy’s Priory CA/US Park & Park Brandon Park
Brophy AZ/US Paul & Feldman Brophy PF
Peninsula CA/US Agarwal & Farjami Camron Farjami
Canyon Crest CA/US Dong & Li Canyon Crest DL
Canyon Crest CA/US Gao & Liu Canyon Crest GL
Canyon Crest CA/US Rahate & Vargas Schaedler Canyon Crest RV
CK McClatchy CA/US Ang-Olson & McLaughlin CK McClatchy AM
College Prep CA/US Bhuket & Ikels College Prep BI
College Prep CA/US Jackson & Gerking College Prep JG
College Prep CA/US Rout & Amin College Prep RA
Damien HS and St. Lucy’s Priory CA/US Agustin & Murphy Damien HS and St. Lucy’s Priory AM
Damien HS and St. Lucy’s Priory CA/US Grabowski & Kassounian Damien HS and St. Lucy’s Priory GK
Damien HS and St. Lucy’s Priory CA/US Li & Wachtler Damien HS and St. Lucy’s Priory LW
Damien HS and St. Lucy’s Priory CA/US Park & Hong Damien HS and St. Lucy’s Priory PH
Damien HS and St. Lucy’s Priory CA/US Sean Anthony Mariano Damien HS and St. Lucy’s Priory SM
James Logan CA/US Deep & Mohanty James Logan DM
James Logan CA/US Shaikh & Rawat James Logan SR
Meadows NV/US Galin & Sim Meadows GS
Meadows NV/US Kung & Sirulnick Meadows KS
Notre Dame CA/US Almand & Martin Notre Dame AM
Notre Dame CA/US Chavez & Duncan Notre Dame CD
Notre Dame CA/US Grisham & Kamyshnikov Notre Dame GK
Notre Dame CA/US Goldman & Urfalian Notre Dame GU
Notre Dame CA/US Kinsley & Loeser Notre Dame KL
Notre Dame CA/US Milone & Jones Notre Dame MJ
Notre Dame CA/US Santos & Yap Notre Dame SY
Opus BC/CA Pi & Liu Opus PL
Peninsula CA/US Deng & Lu Peninsula DL
Peninsula CA/US Gong & Yang Peninsula GY
Peninsula CA/US Jung & Nguyen Peninsula JN
Peninsula CA/US Kim & Kwon Peninsula KK
Peninsula CA/US Kim & Nam Peninsula KN
Peninsula CA/US Li & Lin Peninsula LiLi
Peninsula CA/US Ngo & Wilson Peninsula NW
Peninsula CA/US Xu & Yu Peninsula XY
Pine Crest FL/US Durfy & Marks Pine Crest DM
Pine Crest FL/US Ivanov & Greenberg Pine Crest IG
Pine Crest FL/US Lewin & Freedman Pine Crest LF
Pine Crest FL/US Whiteside & Shintre Pine Crest WS
Polytechnic CA/US Poon & Liu Polytechnic PL
Quarry Lane CA/US Fan & Xu Quarry Lane FX
Quarry Lane CA/US Zhang & Zhuge Quarry Lane ZZ
Rowland Hall UT/US Agarwal & Hijjawi Rowland Hall AH
Rowland Hall UT/US Hatton & Fang Rowland Hall FH
Rowland Hall UT/US Gandhi & Murphy Rowland Hall GM
Rowland Hall UT/US Klein & Sheinberg Rowland Hall KS
Peninsula CA/US Gaskov & Omidvar Sarah Gaskov
Sonoma CA/US Tonda & DeFord Sonoma TD
Sonoma CA/US Young & Updegraff Sonoma YU
Univ Of Chicago Lab IL/US Booth & Cheema Univ Of Chicago Lab BC
Univ Of Chicago Lab IL/US Pincus & Wilson Univ Of Chicago Lab PW
West Campus (Sacramento) CA/US Hsu & Enos West Campus (Sacramento) HE
Westminster GA/US Guo & Yao Westminster GY
Westminster GA/US Jabren & Parikh Westminster JP
Westminster GA/US Laskar & Overend Westminster LO