Blue Valley Classic

2023 — Overland Park, KS/US
Field in Open
37 entries
Institution Location Entry Code Record
Bishop Seabury KS/US Heba Aziz Bishop Seabury HA
Blue Valley North KS/US Batrash & Chinbat Blue Valley North BC
Blue Valley North KS/US Gamboa & Mirza Blue Valley North GM
Blue Valley North KS/US Stein & Rice Blue Valley North RS
Blue Valley North KS/US Ziegenhorn & Razi Blue Valley North RZ
Blue Valley North KS/US Begelfer & Smith Blue Valley North SB
Blue Valley Northwest KS/US Dunavan & Mogenahalli Blue Valley Northwest DM
Blue Valley Northwest KS/US Nazir & Seward Blue Valley Northwest SN
Blue Valley West KS/US Goyal & Anand Blue Valley West AG
Blue Valley West KS/US Abburi & Balakrishnan Blue Valley West BA
Blue Valley West KS/US Dhakappa & Gu Blue Valley West GD
Blue Valley West KS/US Fatimah & Marakani Blue Valley West MF
Blue Valley West KS/US Jaiswal & Rawal Blue Valley West RJ
Blue Valley West KS/US Sayem & Ahmad Blue Valley West SA
Olathe North KS/US Olsen & Sripathi Olathe North OS
Olathe North KS/US Sood & Sood Olathe North SS
Olathe Northwest KS/US Chen & Messenger Olathe Northwest CM
Olathe Northwest KS/US Chaffin & Dockstader Olathe Northwest DC
Olathe Northwest KS/US Highfill & Gant Olathe Northwest HG
Olathe South KS/US Burda & Hartwell Olathe South BH
Olathe South KS/US Linde & Lin Olathe South LL
Shawnee Mission East KS/US Gagen & Almoney Shawnee Mission East AG
Shawnee Mission East KS/US Benditt & Cicero Shawnee Mission East BC
Shawnee Mission East KS/US Benditt & Gibson Shawnee Mission East BG
Shawnee Mission East KS/US Duchene & Lagerstrom Shawnee Mission East DL
Shawnee Mission East KS/US King & Bettenhausen Shawnee Mission East KB
Shawnee Mission East KS/US McGuire & Lewis Shawnee Mission East ML
Shawnee Mission South KS/US Fox & Morantz Shawnee Mission South FM
Shawnee Mission West KS/US Barnes & Lindsay Shawnee Mission West BL
Shawnee Mission West KS/US Lakey & Riley Shawnee Mission West RL
SHS KS/US Eckert & Weir SHS EW
SHS KS/US Street & Minter SHS MS
Spring Hill KS/US Howell & Pacheco Spring Hill PH
Sumner Academy of Arts and Science KS/US Andrade & Alvarado Martinez Sumner Academy of Arts and Science AA
Sumner Academy of Arts and Science KS/US Ontiveros & Solis Sumner Academy of Arts and Science SO
Sumner Academy of Arts and Science KS/US Verdict & Milborn Sumner Academy of Arts and Science VM
Sumner Academy of Arts and Science KS/US Valentine & McClaine Sumner Academy of Arts and Science VM