Lexington Winter Invitational

2024 — Lexington, MA/US
Field in Varsity LD
62 entries
Institution Location Entry Code Record
Acton-Boxborough MA/US Ajay Krishnan Acton-Boxborough AK
Acton-Boxborough MA/US Anna Li Acton-Boxborough AL
Acton-Boxborough MA/US Anusha Naik Acton-Boxborough AN
Acton-Boxborough MA/US Neel Kannambadi Acton-Boxborough NK
Acton-Boxborough MA/US Riya Mehrotra Acton-Boxborough RM
Bronx Science NY/US Alejandra Bachman Bronx Science AB
Bronx Science NY/US Chloe Dunn Bronx Science CD
Cambridge Rindge and Latin MA/US Krissie Alexis Cambridge Rindge and Latin KA
Clear Lake TX/US Rowan MacLean Clear Lake RM
Concord Carlisle MA/US Felicity Zhang Concord Carlisle FZ
Deerfield MA/US Joshua Freedman Deerfield JF
Germantown PA/US Yash Kandanuru Germantown YK
Harrison NY/US Andrew Gaffin Harrison AG
Harrison NY/US Arthur Getaz Harrison AGe
Harrison NY/US Adeena Naeem Harrison AN
Harrison NY/US Beverly Kang Harrison BK
Harrison NY/US Brooke Schiano-Gonzalez Harrison BS
Harrison NY/US Elizabeth Nicaj Harrison EN
Harrison NY/US Jack Borman Harrison JB
Harrison NY/US Reese Potash Harrison RP
Horace Greeley NY/US Andy Miani Horace Greeley AM
Horace Greeley NY/US Salma Gheith Horace Greeley SG
James Bowie TX/US Bodhi Rosen James Bowie BR
La Salle PA/US Jason Jiang La Salle JJ
La Salle PA/US Ronan Romano La Salle RR
La Salle PA/US Tyler Romano La Salle TR
Lake Highland Prep FL/US Aleena Reddy Lake Highland Prep AR
Lake Highland Prep FL/US Gabrielle Mckenzie Lake Highland Prep GM
Lake Highland Prep FL/US Harris Layson Lake Highland Prep HL
Lake Highland Prep FL/US Mary Clare Allen Lake Highland Prep MA
Lake Highland Prep FL/US Neel Aparanji Lake Highland Prep NA
Lake Highland Prep FL/US Nicholas Childs Lake Highland Prep NC
Lake Highland Prep FL/US Neha Patil Lake Highland Prep NP
Lake Highland Prep FL/US Prateek Seela Lake Highland Prep PS
Lake Highland Prep FL/US Suchita Vennam Lake Highland Prep SV
Lincoln-Sudbury MA/US Pranit Rao Lincoln-Sudbury PR
Needham MA/US Matías Welch Matías Welch
Memorial TX/US Max Gu Memorial MG
Needham MA/US Lulu Wang Needham LW
Newark Science NJ/US Ashley Lourenco Newark Science AL
Newark Science NJ/US Fatoumata Bah Newark Science FB
Newark Tech NJ/US Joy Okaro Newark Tech JO
Phillips Academy Andover MA/US Daniel Baek Phillips Academy Andover DB
Ridge NJ/US Meera Shah Ridge MS
Ridge NJ/US Rebecca Davidov Ridge RD
Ridge NJ/US Siona Belawat Ridge SBe
Ridge NJ/US Sameer Kandra Ridge SK
Ridge NJ/US Ziyi Chen Ridge ZC
Strake Jesuit College Prep TX/US Ayaan Singh Strake Jesuit AS
Strake Jesuit College Prep TX/US Graham Erickson Strake Jesuit GE
Strake Jesuit College Prep TX/US Kelvin Meng Strake Jesuit KM
Strake Jesuit College Prep TX/US Michael Meng Strake Jesuit MM
Strake Jesuit College Prep TX/US Meddy Ma Strake Jesuit MMa
Strake Jesuit College Prep TX/US Nathan Wei Strake Jesuit NW
Strake Jesuit College Prep TX/US Rohan Chimata Strake Jesuit RC
Strake Jesuit College Prep TX/US Samuel Rubinstein Strake Jesuit SR
Strake Jesuit College Prep TX/US Vincent Jumalon Strake Jesuit VJ
Strath Haven PA/US Zach Pita Strath Haven ZP
Success Academy HSLA-BROOKLYN NY Barclay Blair Success HSLA-BROOKLYN BB
Success Academy HSLA-MANHATTAN NY/US Yosairee Orozco Success HSLA-MANHATTAN YO
Success Academy HSLA-MANHATTAN NY/US Zackhery Facey Success HSLA-MANHATTAN ZF
Summit NJ/US Mabel Rieger Summit MR