Walter Cotter Classic at Lassiter High School

2024 — Marietta, GA/US
Field in Novice Public Forum
24 entries
Institution Location Entry Code Record
Carrollton GA/US Berg & Neill Carrollton BN
Carrollton GA/US Stuart & Yancey Carrollton SY
Carrollton GA/US Walker & Garcia Carrollton WG
Dunwoody GA/US Ahn & Biggs Dunwoody AB
Dunwoody GA/US Chhabra & Huang Dunwoody CH
Gwinnett School of Mathematics, Science, and Tech GA/US Zhu & Richards Gwinnett School ZR
Lambert GA/US Datta & Mendonca Lambert DM
Lambert GA/US Patel & Agarwal Lambert PA
Lambert GA/US Sun & Li Lambert SL
Lovett GA/US Eccles & Norlander Lovett EN
McIntosh GA/US Liu & Iona McIntosh IL
McIntosh GA/US Usry & kumar McIntosh KU
Milton GA/US Bouraleh & Miyumo Milton BM
Milton GA/US Patel & Kim Milton PK
Sequoyah GA/US Hartung & Ostermann Sequoy HO
Starr's Mill GA/US Kwok & Kim Starr's Mill KK
Starr's Mill GA/US Suleiman & Schiffman Starr's Mill SS
Starr's Mill GA/US Murray & Yao Starr's Mill YM
Walton GA/US Kalra & MacColl Walton KM
Walton GA/US Potnuru & Shareef Walton PS
Walton GA/US Sawhney & Starnes Walton SS
Westfield GA/US Ryan Dunaway Westfi RD
Wheeler GA/US Park & Bansal Wheeler PB
Woodstock GA Colby & Inoue Woodstock CI