2025 Mound High Swing Part 1

2025 — Lebanon, IL/US
Field in NPDA
35 entries
Institution Location Entry Code Record
Concordia University Irvine CA/US Abrahamian & Di Martino ConUni AD
Concordia University Irvine CA/US Boyle & Shurance ConUni BS
Concordia University Irvine CA/US Clerie & Paap ConUni CP
Concordia University Irvine CA/US Howard & Winchel ConUni HW
McKendree IL/US Adewole & Carney McK AC
McKendree IL/US Asbury & Headlee McK AH
McKendree IL/US Brown & McIlhargie McK BM
McKendree IL/US Crabtree & Houck McK CH
McKendree IL/US Mohammad & Tolbert McK MT
Mercer GA/US Neely & Bakshi Mercer BN
Mercer GA/US Kimbrough & Sullivan Mercer KS
Mercer GA/US Mason & Sadhu Mercer MS
Mercer GA/US Patel & Owens Mercer OP
Parliamentary Debate at Berkeley CA/US Banerjee & Carrillo PDAB BC
Parliamentary Debate at Berkeley CA/US Carrillo & Gallon PDAB CG
Parliamentary Debate at Berkeley CA/US Prabhune & Zhu PDAB PZ
Parliamentary Debate at Berkeley CA/US Schuster & Lin PDAB SL
Rice TX/US Dondeti & Johnson Rice DJ
Rice TX/US Wang & Gupta Rice GW
Rice TX/US Stancik & Naqvi Rice NS
Rice TX/US Trevino & Phan Rice PT
Rice TX/US Surya & Sanderfer Rice SS
San Diego State CA/US Fleige & Moore SanDie FM
San Diego State CA/US Hansen & Sanford SanDie SH
the Pacific CA/US Amador & Santillan thePac AS
the Pacific CA/US Brogger & Campi thePac BC
Urban Texas TX/US Rodriguez & Birjandi UrbTex BR
UT Tyler TX/US Hurtado & Stansbery UTTyl HS
UT Tyler TX/US Smith & Wood UTTyl SW
Whitman WA/US Brown & Motz Whitma BM
Whitman WA/US Brenneman-Ochoa & Tatarek Whitma BT
Whitman WA/US Grechishkin & Priebe Whitma GP
Whitman WA/US Kaufman & Romero Michel Whitma KR
William Jewell MO/US Dixon & Terry WilJew DT
William Jewell MO/US Lepage & Massey WilJew LM