Grain Valley New Year Novice Kickoff

2021 — NSDA Campus, US

Extemp Questions

GVHS New Year Novice Extemp Questions


USX - PRELIMS - Immigration, Education, Environment, & Health

  1.  What accountability does the United States have in the separation and detention  of  migrant children from their families at the border?

  2.  What impact has Betsy Devoss had on the Department of Education?

  3.  Will the Federal Mineral Leasing regulations be reestablished soon enough under the Biden administration?

  4.  Can FEMA keep up with the increasing number of natural disasters faced by the U.S.?

  5.  Should the U.S. rejoin the Paris Climate Accord?

  6. Has public education permanently changed with the introduction of virtual learning?

  7.  Can immigration reform be accomplished in the United States?

  8.  How will the changing political climate affect economics in the U.S.?

  9.  Will a COVID-19 vaccine give us our old lives back?

  10. What does the appointment of John Kerry as Special Presidential Envoy for Climate indicate about U.S. environmental policy?   

  11.  Will the U.S. public education system ever return to what it was prior to the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic?

  12. Should President-elect Biden name czars to help address certain divisive issues?

  13. Will DACA become a permanent policy in the United States under a Biden administration?

  14. Can the Biden administration reverse Trump immigration policies while pushing its own agenda?

  15. Can the COVID-19 pandemic be overcome in 2021?

  16. Will the Coronavirus vaccine be available to everyone who wants it in 2021?


USX - ELIMS - Government, Politics, Economy, Security, & Justice 

  1. Will Kamala Harris’ progressive beliefs clash with Joe Biden’s more moderate views?.

  2. Will Biden’s cabinet choices be confirmed by a Republican led Senate?

  3. What does the U.S. need to do to regain the trust of our NATO allies?

  4. Will President Trump be held accountable for any crimes after he leaves office?

  5. What is President Trump’s legacy?

  6. How will historians record the year 2020?

  7. What lasting impacts on the U.S. economy has the Coronavirus pandemic made?

  8. Will LGBTQA citizens’ lives be negatively impacted by the newly formed and majority conservative SCOTUS?

  9. Can the U.S reconcile the racial injustices it continues to face?

  10. Will President Trump try to upstage the Inauguration of President Biden?

  11. How will the Georgia senatorial runoff elections impact the plans of the Biden administration?

  12. Is the Democratic Party hampered or strengthened by its diverse membership?

  13. Is the election of Kamala Harris a true shattering of the “glass ceiling”?

  14. Does the U.S. economy need a major stimulus program passed in order to recover?

  15. Will President Trump’s false fraud claims lead to  new stricter voting restrictions?

IX - PRELIMS - Africa. Middle East, and Asia

  1. Does the release of human rights detainees in Egypt signal a shift in government policy?

  2. Can Japan become carbon neutral by 2050?

  3. What steps can Vladimir Putin take to bolster the Russian economy?

  4.  Will China’s new National Security Law mean the end to "one country, two systems" government in Hong Kong?

  5.  How can Abiy Ahmed peacefully quell tensions in Ethiopia’s Tigray region?

  6.  Is China the “greatest threat to democracy and freedom” as claimed by the Trump administration?

  7.  Will Iran respond in kind to the assassination of Mohsn Fakhrizadeh?  

  8. What does Iran’s new nuclear stance law mean for its nuclear program?

  9.  What will be the implications of the recent assination of Iran’s top nuclear scientist?

  10.  Will President Trump’s order to remove nearly all  troops from Somalia by January 15th embolden militants?

  11.  Will Laurent Gbagbo’s return to the Ivory Coast be taken as a threat by  President Alassane Ouattara?

  12.  Why is Ethiopia’s Nobel Peace Prize winner bombing his own country?

  13.  Will Israel change its position on the establishment of a sovereign Palestian state in order to achieve normalization with Saudi Arabia and other mideast countries?

  14. Is China winning the COVID-19 vaccine race?

  15. Will Israail PM Netanyahu follow through with the power-sharing deal with Benny Gantz?


IX - ELIMS - Europe & the Americas


  1. Will the Guatemala uprising lead to positive government reform?

  2. Will Brexit be a success for the citizens of the U.K.?

  3. What changes should France make to its security policies in light of the Nice attack?

  4. Should Brazil keep its interest rates low? 

  5.  Is the UN doing enough to coordinate global action on COVID-19?

  6.  Who should lead Germany after Angela Merkel?

  7.  Are “proxy presidencies” becoming a problem in Latin America?

  8.  Is France winning its battles against jihadists in the Sahel?

  9.  Should countries boycott the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics?

  10.   Are Peruvian efforts to fight corruption floundering?

  11. Will Brazil’s Environmental Minister, Ricardo Salles, offer the rainforest as a “novel opportunity ripe for investment” be an international environmental concern?

  12. Where will Brazil’s Bolsonaro stand with Biden?

  13. Will Canada successfully implement Bill C-15 to apply the U.N. Indigenous Rights Declaration?

  14. Will Cuba be held accountable for the RF microwave energy attacks on American diplomats in 2016 and 2017?

  15.  Does the Biden administration need to prioritize renegotiating  the USMCA?