Rex Fleming Memorial Tournament

2021 — Houston, TX/US

General Information



Initial Entry Deadline 9/17/21 @ 5 pm or until our facilities are full

Drop Deadline 9/23/21 @ 5 pm (entry fees will be set at this time)

Debate Drops on the day of the Tournament/No-Shows in Debate will be charged triple drop fees!

All entries/drops/changes must be processed on this website.  Name changes may be done at registration.


·         Entries will be accepted on a first come-first served basis until our facility is full.

·         All events are automatically capped at 10 entries initially, but entries will be added from the waitlist swiftly until room limits are reached. I will try to send an update on room availability often. This is just a way to meter school entries. 

·         Only entries from a High School Diploma granting institution will be accepted. 



LD: Resolved: The member nations of the World Trade Organization ought to reduce intellectual property protections for medicines. (CLD & NLD will use the same topic)

PF: Resolved: The North Atlantic Treaty Organization should substantially increase its defense commitments to the Baltic states. (CPF & NPF will use the same topic)

CX: Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase its protection of water resources in the United States.

Direct Questioning will be used in Extemp Finals.

World School Topics: Topics released: 8/31/2021 

ROUND 1:  This House supports government funding of free, public Wi-Fi.

ROUND 2:  This house supports government funding of free, public Wi-Fi. (Flipped sides)

This House supports a federal carbon tax in the United States


FINALS:     This House would prioritize human space exploration over robotic exploration.


Congress will be using the Region 4 Scaffolding plan.

Prelims: 21-25 (if needed: 11-15)

Semis: 16-20 (if needed: 5-10)

Finals: 26-30 (if needed: 1-5)

--There will no longer be a cap of 45 minutes for each legislation at this tournament.

       ----Internet will be allowed during all congress rounds.ALL ROUNDS WILL USE DIRECT QUESTIONING, cause it's more fun. 

Legislation can be found at