Mayde Creek Ram Classic TFA Tournament

2023 — Houston, TX/US


Judging Information

School Judges- All schools entering the tournament must have a school judge registered in available for all rounds.

Volunteer Judges - If you are volunteering please fill out the Mayde Creek Volunteer Judging Form. All volunteer judges need a Tabroom account. More information will come soon.

Hired Judges -If you want to be hired to judge, please fill out the Mayde Creek Contract Form. Payment is $200 for judges who can cover the full tournament. If unable to judge the full tournament, partial contracts may be awarded depending on availability and experience. Friday only is $75 and Saturday only is $125. You must have a Tabroom Account. Please fill out the information below if you are interested in being hired. You may email MartinRHarris@KATYISD.ORG if you have further questions. Thank you!

The Tournament is an in person Tournament. Debate events will begin on Friday, and Speech Events will be on Saturday at Mayde Creek High School.

Please complete the KISD Paperwork. You can apply as vendor and fill out the information here: and then complete the forms found here:

Please fill them out and return them to us at MartinRHarris@KATYISD.ORG.