Be Herd 2023




7:00 AM - Registration Opens - schools may confirm online if they have NO CHANGES to their entry; schools with drops/adds/substitutions must confirm in person.

Individual Events Schedule

  • Pattern A - International Extemp, US Extemp, Prose, DI, Oratory, POI, Duo

  • Pattern B - Informative Extemp, Persuasive Extemp, INF (TFA), Duet, Poetry, HI

8:00 AM - Round 1, Pattern A

9:30 AM - Round 1, Pattern B

11:00 AM - Round 2, Pattern A

1:00 PM - Round 2, Pattern B

3:00 PM - Semis/Finals of Pattern A (semis for events with 25+ entries)

5:00 PM - Semis/Finals of Pattern B (semis for events with 25+ entries)

7:00 PM - Finals of Patterns A&B (events with 25+ entries)

Debate Schedule

  • Pattern C - CX, LD, WSD, PF, Congress (LD and PF will be flighted)

8:00 AM - Round 1 - CX, LD, PF, WSD (Prepared Motion)

9:00 AM - Session 1 - Congress (until 11:00 AM)

10:00 AM - Round 2 - CX, LD, PF, WSD (Impromptu Motion)

12:00 PM - Round 3 - CX, LD, PF WSD (Prepared Motion

1:00 PM - Session 2 - Congress (until 3:00 PM)

2:00 PM - Round 4 - CX, LD, PF, WSD (Impromptu Motion)

4:00 PM - Elim 1 - CX, LD, PF, WSD (Impromptu Motion)

5:00 PM - Finals - Congress (until 7:00 PM)

5:15 PM - Elim 2 - LD, PF

6:00 PM - Elim 2 (If necessary) - CX, WSD (Prepared Motion)

6:30 PM - Elim 3 - LD, PF (if necessary)

7:30 PM - Elim 3 (if necessary) - CX

NOTE: Congress Session 2 will be a semis round IF there are 61+ entries. If not, we will run 2 preliminary sessions.