TFA State

2023 — Houston, TX/US

Debate Information


Round 1/2 (students debate both sides): This House regrets the development of AI conversational chatbots (including, but not limited to GP Chat) for education.

A clarification regarding the conversational chatbots motion at TFA State (Rounds 1 and 2): “for education” within the motion focuses the debate on work done in and for an academic setting, it is not intended to be work done purely for personal growth or knowledge.

Round 4: Info Slide: Screen quotas are a legislated policy that enforces a minimum number of screening days of domestic films in the theater each year to protect the nation's films. The screen quota system is enforced to prevent foreign markets from making inroads into the domestic film market. This House opposes screen quotas designed to protect the domestic film industry.
Quarters: This House would ban the use of facial recognition technology by law enforcement officials.
Finals: This House, as the United States, should prioritize reducing taxes over increasing spending to stimulate economic growth.



1. Item 25 -The Reducing Arms and Munitions for Kashmiri Intervention (R.A.M.K.I.) Act

2. Item 10 - A Bill to Create Benefits for Teachers to Combat the Teacher Shortage

3. Item 19 - A Bill to End Book Bans in Public Schools

4. Item 17 - A Bill to Give Central America Corruption Aid

5. Item 2 - A Bill to Fund Hypersonic Weapon Development to Enhance the Military’s Global Strike Capability

6. Item 5- A Resolution to Revoke College Board’s 501(c)3 Status

7. Item 27 - A Bill to Eliminate Fees for Public School Lunches L.U.N.C.H.2 Act of 2023 (Let Under-Nourished Children Have Lunch Act)

8. Item 3 - A Resolution to Support The West Papuan Freedom Movement

9. Item 13 -A Bill to Tax Heavy Personal Vehicles to Preserve Federal Road Infrastructure

10. Item 12 - A Bill Incentivizing the Production and Sale of Electrochromic Glass To Create An Affordable Green Alternative For Homes and Businesses


1. Item 14 -A Resolution to Clarify Church Audit Procedures to Protect Church Donors

2. Item 18 -A Bill To Reform The Supreme Court

3. Item 4 -A Bill to Stabilize South Sudan

4. Item 8 - Criminal Reentry and Rehabilitation Act

5. Item 6 -A Bill to Abolish the Vehicle Asset Test to Expand SNAP Accessibility


1. Item 16 - A Resolution to Permit School Nurses to Prescribe Medications to Promote Healthy Youth

2. Item 7 - A Bill to Diminish the influence of Partisanship on the Supreme Court

3. Item 23 - A Bill to Invest in Nuclear Energy

4. Item 1 - A Bill to Increase Transparency in School Investigations Regarding Bullying

5. Item 9 -A Bill to Cease the Use of Black Box Software in Sentencing

For clarification, at TFA State in Congressional Debate:

  1. The Congress Docket for each round of debate is locked. No other items may be debated. Legislation must be debated in the order listed.
  2. No item may be tabled until it has been debated, per definition in #3.
  3. Debate on an item means that at least one of the following has occurred: one cycle(authorship/sponsorship and a con speech) or three speeches on the same side. At this point, an item may be tabled, or previous question may be moved.
  4. Competitors will not receive any other legislation beyond what is posted.


LD will use the 2023 March/April NSDA topic - Resolved: The justices of the Supreme Court of the United States ought to be term-limited.


Policy Debate will use the national topic - Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase its security cooperation with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in one or more of the following areas: artificial intelligence, biotechnology, cybersecurity.


PF will use the March 2023 topic - Resolved: The Republic of India should sign the Artemis Accords.