District 1 Speech

2023 — Rathdrum, ID/US



According to IHSAA General Speech Rules: "A prepared text (not an outline) forInformative Speaking,Original Oratory,After Dinner Speaking,Sales Speaking,Communication Analysis,andphotocopies of Interp[HI, DI, DUO, POI] event materials must be on file with district and state managers. Failure to provide required materials will result in disqualification. District managers are required to collect all scripts and take them to state speech."

Scripts are due by March 13th, 2023, by 4 pm. Please fill out this form to upload and submit all scripts for your entries.

If you need to submit more files than this form can allow, please submit what you can, then submit another form with the remaining scripts.

Please label/name them using this format: SCHOOL_EVENT_First-initialLastinitial (ex. "LCHS HI CDrechsel" for a Humorous Interp from Lake City High School for competitor Caleb Drechsel)