National Speech and Debate Tournament

2024 — Des Moines, IA/US

Deanne Christensen Paradigm

Lincoln Douglas Debate Judge Philosophy

Your experience with LD Debate (check all that apply)

Former LD coach
Experienced LD judge

How many years have you judged LD debate?


How many LD rounds have you judged this year?


What is your preferred rate of delivery?

2/91 = Slow conversational style
9 = Rapid conversation speed

Does the rate of delivery weigh heavily in your decision?


Will you vote against a student solely for exceeding your preferred speed?


How important is the criterion in making your decision?

It may be a factor depending on its use in the round

Do you feel that a value and criterion are required elements of a case?


Rebuttals and Crystallization


Voting issues should be given:

Either is acceptable

The use of jargon or technical language ("extend", "cross-apply", "turn", etc.) during rebuttals:

Is unacceptable

Final rebuttals should include:


Voting issues are:

Absolutely necessary

How do you decide the winner of the round?

I decide who is the winner of the key argument in the round

How necessary do you feel the use of evidence (both analytical and empirical) is in the round?

8/91 = Not necessary
9 = Always necessary

Please describe your personal note-taking during the round

I keep detailed notes throughout the round
Additional remarks: I am a retired speech and debate coach I like a well organized presentation of case with clear line by line extensions and refutations. Signpost where you are at to keep debate organized I will flow the round, if rate is too fast I will stop flowing, I will only evaluate what I have on the flow Extend your value and criterion throughout the round - why did you choose them, why do they matter Provide impacts Use CX to further the debate and gain clarification Don’t waste time - setting up email chains, sending evidence, have preflows (if used) done prior to round If using email chain include judge Make sure internet issues are resolved prior to tournament - have computer charged or bring extension cord for charging Respect everyone in round I like voting issues to be explained throughout the round - and extended to final speech

Note: if you wish for your pronouns to appear the debaters you judge on text/email blasts, log into Tabroom, click Profile at top, and add them in the Pronouns field.