National Speech and Debate Tournament

2024 — Des Moines, IA/US

Emily Myers Paradigm

Policy Debate Judge Philosophy

Your experience with Policy Debate (check all that apply)

Coach of a team
NDT/CEDA debater in college
Frequently judge Policy Debate

How many Policy rounds have you judged this year?


Which best describes your approach to judging Policy Debate?

Stock issues


8/91 = slow and deliberate
9 = very rapid


7/91 = a few well-developed arguments
9 = the more arguments the better


7/91 = communication skills most important
9 = resolving substantive issues most important

TOPICALITY: I am willing to vote on topicality:

9/91 = often
9 = rarely


1/91 = acceptable
9 = unacceptable


5/91 = acceptable
9 = unacceptable


5/91 = acceptable
9 = unacceptable


2/91 = acceptable
9 = unacceptable


2/91 = acceptable
9 = unacceptable
Additional remarks:

Experience- 4 years high school as competitor, 2 years competing on my college team, and 5 years coaching my high school team.

What I like to see- I joined the dark side of debate as a parli debater on my college team. Because of this I value the logistics of the debate rather than cards/evidence. Meaning, I am not putting any ink down while you are throwing out information off of all the cards you are reading. I think that you should read your card and then explain why this is relevant in your case. Any type of debate is suppose to be a persuasive speech, not a competition of evidence. As far as technical debate I will vote on those arguments alone if they are done well. I don't appreciate spreading or just dropping arguments as a strategy, I think that is a waste of time. K's are welcome, especially if they are done right. Speed is fine, but if I have to ask for your case because you read so fast nobody could understand you I will vote you down. I believe that if I have to do the work and read over your entire case in order to understand it that you are not debating. Don't make me do the work for you! I will not flow during any cross x. I believe that the time is for opponents to clarify and get information. If you want to bring up what is said during your speech I am cool with that. Lastly, during cross x I would appreciate letting opponents finish their thoughts and being respectful, I don't think being rude during cross x should be used as a strategy.

Note: if you wish for your pronouns to appear the debaters you judge on text/email blasts, log into Tabroom, click Profile at top, and add them in the Pronouns field.