Last changed on
Thu November 14, 2024 at 4:56 AM CST
My pronouns are she/her/hers.
3 years debating for Lucia Scott
Please add me to the email chain---
You can call me charlotte or judge, idrc, i'll probs up your speaks if you call me something funny, just be respectful
Star sign: Taurus,Chinese zodiac: Ox
Have your cameras on for online debate
If you need a pad/tampon, just ask me, I always carry extra.
If y'all are comfortable, please tell me your pronouns before the round
Be nice and have fun! Debate is about so much more than just winning a single round, and being nice will reflect so much better on you than winning one round will.
Top level
- Tech 95% truth 5%
- Bigotry or hate speech will result in an automatic 24 (or lower) speaks, L, and a call to tab and your coach(es). My role above all else is to make sure this space is safe for everyone.
- I like overviews, but it should be 30 seconds at the very max
- I prefer plan text at the top of the speech so I know what y'all are proposing before I know why we need it, but its not a huge deal
- Be respectful! You don't look as cool as you think you do being rude to the other team
- Good puns will do a lot for your speaks, bad puns can't hurt too bad, so make the joke!
- BE CLEAR!!!!!!!!!!!! If it doesn't get on my flow, it doesn't get on my ballot.
- I will vote on whatever as long as it isn't blatantly evil (i.e. racism good)
- I don't flow off the doc. I am not against checking docs if I miss something, but I will be flowing almost 100% off of what you say
- I will clear/volume you as many times as I need to
- If you show me a (reasonably good) flow or an updated wiki before the round ends, I will up your speaks based on how good the flow is and if your wiki is done right
Stand your ground.If the other team is trying to sidestep, make them answer. If someone is cutting you off before you can answer call them out.
That being said, don't be overly rude. Making fun of or bullying the other team is the fastest way to drop your speaks and also just makes you look bad.
It is ALWAYS ok to say "I don't have that answer right now"
I am pro-cutting people off to a point. Don't let them monopolize your cross and talk for 2 minutes about one question, but also don't cut them off after 3 seconds.
K affs
I love k's and k-affs, but I'm not a K hack. Be ready to defend your framework!!! if you run one, more power to you but you still have to explain your IL, impacts, ect just as well if not better than a policy aff would. I'm most familiar with queer theory (especially baedan/stanley), cap, and fem, but don't let my understanding stop you from running whatever you want.
Policy affs
Even though I love k's, there is nothing link a good case debate on a policy aff. I tend to like soft left impacts, but run whatever you want. Especially be ready to defend your IL, I've seen a lot of really bad I/L chains that make it pretty hard to win if the neg calls you out.
"Fairness" or "education" are not impacts, they're words. You have to say why education or fairness matter, or they are not being evaluated as impacts. Policy args can't just say their impact is "war" with no explanation, so framework args don't get to just say "fairness" with no impacting. On some level, I do agree that I am an educator and this space is for education, but I can easy be convinced otherwise.
DAs are a staple of debate and I love them, but please have a legit link chain and real reasons why your impacts o/w. I think da o/w is a seriously good way to take down the aff and i love when someone has a well explained da o/w block. I am partial to a ptx da bc I love them, but run whatever just explain it
I think these are a powerful tool for a neg vote, but you need a plan text and you need solvency. Your cp's cannot just be a bad version of an aff, they need to be good and competitive. I'm not a fan of cheaty process counterplans, and I'll prob be sympathetic to aff theory claims on fairness if your counterplan is cheaty, but if its good, pop off.
I am a HUGE fan of Ks, and I think that soft left impacts on Ks are a really good way to bring variety into a round. I'm most familiar with cap, fem, deluze, and queer theory, but run whatever you like. Having no idea what you're talking about on your K, thats a good way to lose speaks. Make sure you know what you're talking about, and spend extra time on framework. I tend to buy that Ks get reps links, but the aff gets to weigh their impact.
I don't like cheaty or hidden theory args. I'll vote on them, but i don't find them nearly as compelling as well written arguments. Hidden args will also drop your speaks, it just shows that you know your args aren't good enough to win on flat out. Besides that, I like T quite a bit, and make sure you impact out your theory args. "Ruins fairness" is not an impact unless you tell me why fairness matters. I also tend to think condo is fine until a point, but i can be easily convinced otherwise.
I know the topics pretty well, but explanation never hurt anyone
Its been a hot second since I've done congress, so I seriously encourage you to keep your own precedence and POLITELY tell me if you think I messed up
Have fun
Speak so I can hear you.
If I can't hear you, I'll tell you one time, but after that I'm only judging what I hear
Utilize cross ex.
Use evidence outside the packet or what you coach just gives you, new args are a great way to get my attention in speeches.
If y'all have any questions before or after the round ASK ME!!! Debate is an educational space and I want y'all to learn.
I don't do LD, but I know the basics of how it works.
Don't use a bunch ld-specific jargon or assume I know how everything works.
Explain why you're winning this round (JUDGE INSTRUCTION!!!)
explain your value and why it matters
Just read my policy section
Don't yell over people in cross-fire
if y'all read this far, make a drag race or legend of Zelda reference in your speech and I'll boost your speaks <3